Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our Imaginary Country

Don't Bank On It

I am amused and darkly so, when I hear the mindless rantings of these bloated 'talk show' hosts who make their living creating fear and suspicion that drives us to the extreme left and the extreme right of the political spectrum.

One point we all need to come together on, is the economy. Trust me, you don't know what you think you know.

We get angry as we watch the banks take our economic life's blood, all of it, for themselves, and then we have no way of finding out where the money went. We know of some of the scandals: Jets, remodeling of bathrooms, the most recent 'junket' to Wynn's casino to reward all those hard working mortgage brokers--- the very ones that broke the economy and mortgaged our grandchildren's future.

We know about those things, and get angry. And then we know that they are coming back for more. Like the bear that breaks into your cabin in winter, takes what it wants and leaves, you know it's coming back for the rest because it knows where it is, and you can't stop it.

The banks do this with total contempt for the people it is driving out of their homes, and for the politicians that made it possible.

And we are going to give them more?

Then there are the blowhards on 'Talk Radio' that think it is wrong for us to nationalize the banks because that is like socialism and socialism is almost communism. And I hear the minions flaming about how they don't want the banks nationalized! They are not going to watch our country go down that slippery slope, and other cliches, to 'communism'!

I wonder how they would feel if they knew how they were being played for fools while the banks laugh?

The problem with banks is simple. Not one of them is U.S. owned. Not one. They are all owned by foreign governments. Since 1980, not one is ours.

What did you think all those mergers were about? Aren't you glad we got rid of all those silly regulations that used to prevent our banks from being sold to the highest bidder? Oh yeah, the lobbying, and the campaign contributions have worked wonders. The word "Regulation" became ugly.

Now look at us. How does "Economic Meltdown" sound to ya? Wear it for awhile. Get used to it.

France, United Arab Emeritus, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Japan and China, own the largest share of them. No other country allows all their banks to be owned by foreign powers. Most allow none of them to be owned by others. Common sense.

That is why, when our banks failed, the economies of those countries began to circle the porcelain. That is also why we can't get answers out of them. They are not subject to our laws. That is why we don't know where the money went, because it did not stay in this country, it went to theirs.

If we don't stop the dollar hemorrhage, by making the banks we do business with, OUR banks; and if we don't make sure that the dollars we pour into them stay in our pond, this becomes an exercise in denial that will, literally, bankrupt us with no way back.

So, what is the bigger boogy man here: nationalizing banks so we can rescue ourselves? Or the imaginary danger that we are becoming commies?

You can bank on that blowhard on their talk radio misdirecting you to think that we have to fear and fight one another. He gets paid millions to keep us at each others throats. He is being paid to misdirect the anger that is out there so no one looks at the real problem and figures out the real solution. Keeping us divided, is key to how we got where we are today.

Apparently, he will say anything as long as you pay him millions to say it. His sole job is to whip the dwindling Right Wing into darker and darker fears and mistrust of their fellow Americans.

You'd think a smart guy like him would have at least given you the facts about the banks, so you could make up your own mind as to where the real dangers are. Then again, if the extreme Right Wing was about being educated and constructive, he would not have any following at all.

He just wants you to be afraid. Our economy is crashing, and he tells his congressional minions to do nothing to save their own country. And they obey. Fearful that they will be the next elected official to have to publicly grovel to him if they offend him in any way, they obey.

Your friends and families are being ground down, losing everything. The bloated hypocrite, chuckles, tugs on his cigar, and laughs all the way to the bank. You really think he cares about you? Not unless you pay him extra.

Now, go, tell your friends the truth about the banks. Maybe they will turn off the radio and start thinking of ways we can work together to save ourselves, this time. Maybe not. But it's worth a try.

You know where to find me.

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