Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Insurance as Oxymoron

Insurance doesn't mean you get what you pay for. There is no insurance in Insurance unless you own the Insurance Company.

Maybe Insurance Companies are in the wrong business?

Watching the way insurance companies conduct their business, and what they are doing now, makes me wonder about what the term "Insurance" has come to mean. With all the denials of legitimate claims, and of throwing people out of the plan if they get sick or injured, and the unregulated raising of premiums to astronomical rates, it would seem that the term "Insurance Company" means that only the Insurance Company will get any money.

They have declining enrollment and manage to increase their profits, and bonuses in what would seem to be a contrary logic.

We are a captive market. The insurance companies are unregulated. Any regulations we manage to get onto them, their lobbyists will buy back before dark tonight. They cannot be trusted. People suffer and die because of their tactics. Their profits are solely blood money.

Now they fight us by fear mongering, and their goal is to genuinely terrify people into opposing, literally, the one thing that can save us all. They are spending more than a million dollars a day to set us apart from our own best interests.

It's like a ship taking on water. People are frantically bailing to save us all, while others are attacking them, and others are jabbing more holes in the hull saying "water should be allowed to seek it's own level!" That somehow we are going against the very laws of nature by trying to get us all to a healthy and safe shore in the future.

The opposition is frantic, ignorant and in some cases, just plain crazy.

They claim that they cannot survive if Health Care passes. Bookstores survived libraries, FEDEX and UPS, etc, survive the Government run mail delivery services.

But Insurance companies, I believe, mean it when they say they cannot survive government health care. They have managed to carve out a majority of Medicare benefits for themselves in the guise of "Supplemental" insurance for seniors, which becomes HMO insurance and Seniors then have to fight tightwad corporate types for the basic care and medications they need, and pay more and more out of pocket expenses themselves. They choose between medication and food. Health care and rent. So much for the golden years.

With the new legislation, consumers would have a choice. There would no longer be the captive economy and the desperate families.

Insurance companies don't want you if you are sick, ever were sick, ever will become injured or sick. That cuts into their bottom line, their big bonuses. What is amazing about this whole riot of violence and racism which are being injected into the debate by astroturf pros working for the Insurance Companies, is that they don't want those whom they won't accept, to have ANY kind of insurance.

Why? Because they need to have examples out there, everyone knows a horror story of bankruptcy or death due to lack of care, they need to have that sword dangling over the heads of the fearful to keep them in the fold, paying the increasing premiums, escalating deductibles, and who can be and are, dumped without notice, when they might actually need or use INSURANCE.

Apparently, Insurance companies are in the "give us your money" business. They cannot efficiently, effectively nor even compassionately provide service or care to customers.

Maybe it is time for the Health Insurance Companies that cannot provide services, coverage and care, to get out of the Health Insurance business and go into something else. Something that gives them billions of dollars, is unregulated, and that people cannot opt out of, and only a select few can opt into.

Health insurance, so far, seems to be the only thing that gives them what they crave and what they expect.

Meanwhile, the government, with our money, can provide for us, decent health care, and our thoughts can turn to other things and our energies spent on other endeavors, once the fear of bankruptcy or death because of health care is removed from the table.

Once we no longer have to fear that our child will not get medical help when needed, or that we would have to choose between insurance and food, insurance and medication, insurance and rent---we might be able to start moving ahead in this world.

Once we get real health care reform, you can bet the Insurance companies will come bearing gifts. Offering low-cost alternatives, and a PR endeavor that will dazzle even those of us who think we know what to expect. Behind the scenes, their lobbyists will be buying our representatives in government. They will try to weedle their way into it the way they have into Medicare, and begin overcharging on the new one the way they have been the Medicare system (14% is the conservative estimate on the over-cost).

Big corporations get wealthy by taking the resources of our country for their own private profit: Oil, water, timber, minerals... and now our health, life and death, under threat of bankruptcy, or the loss of a loved on, is the biggest target for corporate takeover.

It is up to us to save ourselves, and our nation, from the corporate greed that has, on every level, gotten wealthy at our expense.

"If you have your health," so they say, "You have everything". Don't let them continue to take that from us. Time for us to become a healthier, stronger nation. A lot of work to be done.

Whimpering Dogs

Start on the Blue Dogs. You'll recognize them easily enough. They have control over the finance committees on this thing. Their leashes are firmly in the hands of Insurance Lobbyists. They have a big problem seeing the needs of the people over the big dollars given to them by the Insurance Lobbyists.

Blue Dogs would love to see you, your children, die before they would allow you to have access to affordable, reasonable, decent healthcare. How do I know? Because it is happening everyday. They know it, and they ignore it. They are getting their share of blood money.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Endless Sacrifice

Religion as Power

These are strange times indeed.

The world is both coming unglued as nations go to war with other nations and the wars within themselves.

Iran’s Theocracy is coming unhinged. The once revered and unquestioned Mullahs, who gained more and more power by playing on the religious fears of the people, while warping the doctrines of Mohammed, are now revealed as shallow, greedy, abusive, monsters whose only ambition is to have all power unto them, and to them only.

Politicians to them, are mere puppets, a show for the people, to make them believe they have any control over their lives, or a say in how their nation is governed. Women are treated as breeders, with no voice and no rights, subjected to horrors of abuse, rape and murder at the whim of the all powerful male dominated culture.

The Mullahs have been revealed in Iran as frauds and hypocrites. They go against the teachings of their holy books and violate every tenant to grab and hold power, and the illusions of piety, and they designate themselves as the Chosen, the Holy Men.

They lie, they cheat, they torture, rape, murder, their own people in their name for God. They perform desecrations and call themselves “holy”. They are revealed and the people are in revolt. They are seen through and the people, with non-violence, stand up to them and with courage and sacrifice, they stand up against what they know is wrong.

They have no weapons. They have only their lives. They defy what is evil and which has overpowered them for so long. Theirs is an endless sacrifice.

Meanwhile, corrupt nations support the corrupt Iranian leadership. China, Russia, North Korea, all who want the oil, applaud the barbaric and cheer on the heathens masquerading as holy men.

Iran claims to be the voice of Moslem People the world over. Yet, they ignore the fate of Uighurs, who are attacked for their Moslem faith in nations such as China.

Clearly, this is not about any God by any name other than Oil, Power, Money.

Parallel Politics

The Founding Fathers of the United States foresaw the downfall of our nation and what could prevent it. They set in place the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. They knew that for our nation to endure, we must have a clear separation between Church and State.

Religious Zealots, such as we have seen in Iran, are what brings down a system that relies all or in part, on the participation and agreement of Religious Leaders.

Political Power and Religious Power, if combined, rob the citizens of their freedoms to choose their religions, or to choose not to follow any religion. If we are required to follow any religious tenet as a qualification for to enjoy the full rights and privileges of citizenship, we start down a road that leads our nation and its politics, into the darkest corruptions of power.

Further, once Religion becomes the key, the driving force behind politics and the motives of politicians, a war within begins. Which religion? Which club do you have to belong to in order to participate in your own government? Will Catholics go to war with Lutherans? Will Baptists battle the Nazarenes? Will Christians make other religions ‘lesser religions’? And will they, like the Mullahs, battle it out amongst themselves, at our expense, for the most powerful seat in the land?

As religious demagogues worm their way into our political discussions, a place where they have no right to be, are we not inching our way towards a Theocratic Ruled Nation?

We have seen the rule of “Separation between Church and State” eroded more and more each election. We have seen our laws warped and twisted to accommodate the religious interests at the cost of our health, our economy and our sense of security.

We are told, and too many are conditioned, to just believe without question, follow without asking, the leadership of those who pretend to be men of Religion, but who are in fact, only men of Politics and Power.

Now, it is time for us all to take a good look at Iran, and how it got that way. How we, the USA, with all our Power, overthrew their democracy and installed the Shah, who used torture and abuses to control the people. We protected him, and he gave us all the oil we wanted.

It was only a matter of time before the people became intolerant and overthrew our puppet. They were lead by a powerful force, a religious zeal that made them unstoppable. In their desire to overthrow the corrupt, and to have their freedom of religion returned to them, they installed a powerful religious zealot, who oppressed them for reasons of his own. They went from a Democracy, to an Autocracy, to a Theocracy … and now they want Democracy. They want not just freedom, but equality.

Meanwhile, our nation, born as a Democracy, inches its way into a theocracy.

A book we all must read to understand how people are turning religion into power, and justifying crimes against Humanity, in the name of Power, and how our government is being subverted into a Theocracy, is “THE FAMILY” , by Jeff Sharlet.

It calls itself a Church, but it is a cult. They twist the meanings of right and wrong into something appalling. They justify every infidelity, every crime, even the rape of children as okay, because they consider themselves “chosen by God” and given “power” by God and therefore they can do no wrong, and nothing they do can be considered wrong.

It is quite possibly the most dangerous cult in our history. It targets all the seats of power, and seeks to control all the levers of power. Their ambition does not stop at our borders. They seek to conquer the world using our blood and treasure.

They extol the virtues of Hitler, Pol Pot, Suharto and every villain we have ever despised, as people who were "chosen for power by God" and that their tactics were masterful. They seek to emulate the most evil and their most vile ways. This is no 'Church' my friends. This is a cult blatantly seeking absolute power.

They seek to divide marriages, families and all that is loved in this world. They seek to displace the love of family, and of country, with the worship of their Leader and his words, regardless of how much they contradict scripture, common sense, or even what he himself has just said, shall be above question.

Anytime you are taught to obey without question, any mortal, you are following a madman. And yet, for the past 70 years, some very influential politicians have been doing just that. Their allegiance to their country falls far from oath to obey their leader, David Coe. Their marriage, their family, all without value in the eyes of their cult. No wonder so many who were climbing the ladder of power have fallen on the bonfires of infidelity. To them, they were doing no wrong. They could do no wrong. They were the Chosen.

They say they are building a kingdom so that Christ can return. Judging from what I have seen of their constructions, the last thing they would want to see is Christ walking around in the corruption and the destruction they have created.

I firmly believe that all religious cults, or any cult that prays on a religious belief, have at their mast, a non-believer, the biggest hypocrite of all. A true believer would know that force, intimidation and hypocrisy are wrong.

A true believer would know that committing crimes, infidelity, murder and wars are not pleasing to the God they pretend to worship.

But a hypocrite knows how to manipulate the undereducated, the weak-minded, the fearful, and make them an army. It is that army that they are building, within the marbled and gilded halls of our government, that will lead us all into the downfall the Founding Fathers warned us against.

They attempt to change history, creating a false beginning and purpose of our nation. They want to teach what they preach, and make fiction hold sway over the truth. They want to say that our nation was founded on Religious principals. It was not. Our nation was founded as a trading outpost for an empire that competed with other empires for the resources of the known world.

We fought to keep those resources as our own. We stole the lands and the resources from the Indians who had facilitated both our survival in this new land, and our success in the wars against other nations. We thanked them with broken treaties, abuses, and false history.

That fiction has weakened us. Now, to create a fiction that we were Chosen ones, and that we have done no wrong, leaves us only to follow those who call themselves “the Chosen”, and their warped hypocrisy, into a cauldron of our own destruction.

Read the book. I am. Learn what we must do to save our Democracy from those who would twist it into a Theocracy. Do it now, before we are dying in the streets, chased by thugs who have the power of our government telling them it is okay to shoot us down in the streets as we protest.

We can come together now, and overthrow the cult that is overthrowing our government, or we can wait and see how much we can stand to lose before we take to the streets in endless sacrifices.