North Dakota has enacted a law that makes all abortions illegal. They say that they resolved that most unfathomable question of when life begins, by stating that it begins at conception.
The same people that scream they want less government, want to be sure a woman has a cop in the room when dealing with matters of her own, most intimate and personal decisions.
These compassionless morons care nothing for the age of the victim of rape, incest rape, and seek to make the victims of such horrors "criminals" if they seek an abortion. The suffering of women, to them, inconsequential. And, pretty much, the suffering of children born under such extreme circumstance, is not their problem.
I am wondering how they came to the conclusion of 'Life Begins At Conception'. What science did they consult? Surely, they did not consult the Bible which they like to hold up as the basis for all their thinking.
Had they consulted the Bible, they would have found that the only thing it says about when life begins is 'at first breath'. So, they have taken the Word of God and gone one waaaay better?
But let's say they are right about when life begins. They are, essentially, outlawing contraception because it could 'kill' a fertilized egg. Let us see what North Dakota does with all those children that could not be prevented from being conceived.
What are your plans, financially, for dealing with all those births? Are they going to be welcoming all those children with welcome arms and open checkbooks?
Are they willing to fund, completely, the care and needs of children born with extreme handicaps that are the product of incest/rape? Are they willing to fund, completely, the health and care of the mothers who have been traumatized by incest/rape and who are additionally harmed by the process of a pregnancy that has as an added distress, the circumstances of conception?
And, let us not forget that we have opened the door for PETA, which can now declare that fertilized Chicken Eggs are actually 'chickens' and must be handled with the same care and keeping as their living, breathing parents. They will each, have to have their own cage, or be less than 4 to a carton... and refrigerating them is considered 'cruelty'...
The stupidity of this Bill passed by the ND Legislature is eclipsed only by the arrogance of those who 'conceived' it. By inserting themselves, without justification, into every woman's doctor-patient privacy, and to threaten those women who must, at the most difficult time in their lives, make decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives, they have created a monster government to which nothing is sacred and nothing is private.
If police can come between a woman and her doctor, where can they not go? To say that 'life begins' at conception is an arbitrary statement, based neither on science nor on scripture. These legislators put themselves above the greatest minds and above the very word of God they claim to 'worship' by constructing such an intrusive, vile piece of legislature.
The Doors That Are Opened
If it stands: A woman who miscarries, can be investigated as having committed a crime. For those who have suffered the heartbreak, gut wrenching experience, to also have to face an interrogation to see if she did anything that led to the death of her 'child', is one of the many doors that has been opened here.
Life is Life. If you declare a gamete a human being, you must realize that no extreme is too extreme for the invasion and the abuses of women is too much. Women will conceal their pregnancies and not seek medical attention lest they be vulnerable to police interrogation should her pregnancy fail.
Doctors will have to report any pregnancy as a living child, and that child will have to be followed up the same way a child would be followed up. Will we assigning Social Security Numbers to Fetuses? Every child that is born is assigned a SSN. It would also make following these pregnancies easier for Big Brother, and easier to investigate and have a file name/number for a 'life' that does not yet have a name.
When a woman miscarries, everyone around her will be investigated to see if anything they did, be it violence, smoking, cooking or serving the wrong food, exposing them to viruses or illnesses that could make her sick enough to miscarry, and this includes spouses, friends, her other children, all could be investigated to see if they in any way contributed to the death of that unborn child.
You may think these are extremes, and they are. However, by the laws of North Dakota affording all the rights of a living human being to a gamete, all these events are not just possible, but they are likely to happen.
A pregnant woman who may not even realize she is pregnant and who is employed, can miscarry or reabsorb that gamete, and her employer is then involved to see if they did anything to cause it to happen. Coworkers can be questioned.
If you afford all the rights of a living breathing human being to a gamete, all this is mandatory if that gamete fails to thrive into full term. And the next step will be that all females of child bearing age will have to be examined monthly to determine if they are pregnant, in order to 'protect' that unborn child.
If there are human beings out there, and they are afforded ALL the protections of Citizens, we must of course, have some way of knowing they are there, right? How can we protect them if we don't know they exist? How do we know if they exist if we don't examine every womb?
And, since they are counted as Human Beings, do we include them in the Census?
These seem to be scenarios that would not, in a sane world, occur. But these are the very scenarios that are likely to occur, and which points of law can be constructed to address, now that the Legislators of North Dakota have deemed themselves to be the very Eye of God, in knowing when, exactly, Life Begins.
These so-called "Defenders of Life" have taken a most extreme stand, based on nothing but their own personal ignorance and a driving desire to out-conserve one another in their quest to create an atmosphere of fear and terror for every woman in their state.
Once an insane law is passed, it becomes the foundation for more extreme rulings and laws to be predicated upon.
That door has been opened. Women who are and can prove they are pregnant, can demand from the State of North Dakota, welfare for the care, feeding, housing of their unborn child. If the State denies care to any pregnant woman, and that woman later miscarries or fails to reach term with her pregnancy, can sue the State of North Dakota for failure to support them in such a way that would allow that Human Being to live.
The State itself can be investigated for failure to provide or failure to investigate. The costs to the State of North Dakota will be astronomical. Just on that last one alone.
Law Suits can and will be filed, and the possibility for Class Action against the state by a collection of females whose pregnancies failed, is a possibility.
When the State removes the process of decision making from the woman and her doctor, and puts it firmly in the purview and control of the State, the State becomes the keeper, the responsible party for that pregnancy and all that comes there from.
Next Questions Now, your next questions should be:
"How do we fix it?"
You can't. It is sweeping legislature based on a false premise.
"How do we close it?" You can't. It is sweeping legislature based on a false premise.
You can't. This kind of change would require much brighter, better minds and intentions than those currently contained in your legislature. You have a batch of hard-core extremists and they are supported by those among them who may disagree with them, but who are too spineless to stand up to them, and to stand up for the people of North Dakota.
All you can do is vote them out. Replace them with people who can at least have the foresight to see down what dark roads extreme legislation such as this, will lead. When the State of North Dakota declared these gametes, fetuses as Human Beings with full rights, they also became the Responsible Party for all that ensues either from that pregnancy, the children that do arrive, and for all the investigations and lawsuits for their failures to protect, that can and will ensue.
I sure hope that between now and the next election, North Dakota has a whole lot of extra money to fulfill their responsibility for this law and all that it entails.
Good luck on that.
Meanwhile, the rapists, murderers of children, are not really an issue that the Legislature thinks important enough to address or pursue. Those who rape and kill infants, but are politically well-connected, get off with a slap on the wrist. Those who rape and kill that are not politically connected, get 30 years.
If your legislators really gave a crap about children, babies or LIFE, they would have, long ago, addressed the issues that affect them AFTER they draw their first breath. So, don't tell me they did anything they did for anything other than political posturing in a time of Extreme Conservatism crash and burn denial.
As long as they can create extreme, unthought out laws such as they have with this one, they feel they still have 'power'.
In a nation and at a time when we are becoming more compassionate, and looking more to working to help one another, there are those who are thrashing and flailing, wild-eyed, and who feel the only way they can hold onto that denial is to be able to create laws so ill-conceived, so extreme that people, if they don't turn these laws around, will be dealing with the aftermath for generations to come.
At a time when our Nation is facing financial/economic collapse due to our ignoring the issues surrounding our economy and instead focusing on fighting over micro issues such as abortion, we have come to see that the people that held the narrowest of views did not have the best interests of our nation at heart, and allowed our nation to become vulnerable in all directions as they worked diligently on removing rights from women, gays, and taking away our basic Civil Rights in total.
That kind of mindset allowed the wolves of Wall Street to ravage our economy, and leave us with the carrion of failing financial fragments.
Appalling to think that at this critical time, when our attention should be focused on fixing the hull of the sinking ship, that the North Dakota Legislators would instead, focus on creating a more hostile, threatening environment for women. And, at the same time, without even thinking of the forward consequences of this legislation, literally, knock more holes into the hull of the State's Financial future.
A whole new and greater crop of mothers and children living in poverty are on their way. Are you ready to pay for their upkeep? Their care? Their housing? This law dictates that you will have no choice because they had no choice.
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