Saturday, February 7, 2009

An Inconsistent Truth

We vie
w the extremes in weather, the world over, polar caps melting, glaciers vanishing, more and more extreme flooding, increasingly powerful hurricanes, and droughts that are continent-wide. The evidence of Global Warming, is everywhere.

Still the ranting from the non-believers, the most public and published of whom are lobbying or paid for by industries that rake in billions and who do not want to be environmentally responsible, declare that, contrary to all logic and common sense, Global Warming is a fraud.

Worse, they declare, repeatedly, that those highly respected scientists are somehow profiting from 'scaring us'.

They present no proof to contradict the clear evidence of environmental distress. They just claim it ain't so, Joe.

They do have pseudo scientists on their side, none of whom are published in any of the respected forums. Yet, these so-called 'scientists' demand and often receive not only equal time in public discourse, but there are some stations, who have already declared they are not really NEWS and therefore are not subject to the rules of journalism or reporting (Much like WWE is not real 'wrestling' but rather, choreographed 'entertainment'), which promotes the prattle of these nay sayers, full time. These promulgators of propaganda say that, contrary to all scientific evidence available, the poles are increasing in mass! They present no facts, no science. They don't have to. It's not real information. It's "newsertainment".

The people behind these shows are not concerned with the truth of anything. They know how to promote fear to the ignorant. They know how to divide and conquer. They know how to manipulate a frightened public. It is what they excel at. They want you to ignore the common sense information and true facts that could unite us for our common good.

They point to the extreme cold in some areas and declare 'Global Warming is Dead!'. Of course, they completely ignore the other continents where there are droughts that have broken all
records: Severity, spectrum, duration and intensity.

Global Warming is not the whole world in drought. Global
warming is evidence by extreme imbalances in climates. The pendulum swings more and more wildly. The end game of Global Warming, after all the land masses have been thrown out of kilter, can be one of two outcomes: We become mostly desolate, like Mars, or we plunge into another ice age.

The future is in our hands. The money is in the hands of the powerful. Listen to what makes sense. Listen to what you can do, we can do, we all must do, to mitigate and diminish the wild range of swing in that pendulum.

Since 'newsertainment' is commonly mistaken for facts and information, we must begin the process of educating ourselves on topics that affect our lives. Instead of turning on the tube, go to the library and check out books that are written by people who are authentic in their field. If that is too much for us, and for many it is, then don't swallow whole the prattle that comes out of the mouths of people who are promoted and paid for by those who are destroying our climate, our environment. Common sense will tell you that continuing to add more chemicals, continuing to pollute, continuing to rape the land without thought of the future, will and does have far-reaching consequences -- to US.

As long as we remain divided, and especially if we continue to waste our energy fighting one another, swatting at swarms of fiction, we are less able to come together and resolve the very issues that are affecting all of us, whether it is the economy or the environment. As long as we have our hands firmly around one another's neck, we cannot get a handle on the corruption that is, at this moment, killing us all. We cannot fix what is wrong with our governm
ent, as long as we cannot find common ground with one another.

Newsertainment is out there to mislead us. At the very least, to confound and confuse the public at large. They know their audience is not educated. They prefer it that way. So do their sponsors.

Real science programs can be interesting. Unfortunately, some of our most brilliant scientists are not photogenic, and they speak in dull tones. But they have real information. Don't be distracted by the shiny, sparkly, loud mouths out there. Time to think again.

If we but look behind the curtain to glimpse the character of those promoting the fear and mistrust of science and economics, we find little bullies who are guilty of a range of bad and illegal behaviors:

Bill O'Riley stalked and threatened a woman producer who refused to have sex with him. He
threatened her life! Not satisfied with making her work miserable and getting her fired, he called and harassed her and threatened her safety. He paid for it in a civil suit. But he never lost his job. Character is not an issue for Fox News. Most of their 'discussion' panels involve people who have no concept of the topics they discuss.

Rush Limbaugh, that paragon of Right Wing Virtue, the defacto diety of the GOP, who blasted the poor, the sick and the abused as "lazy," and who said that drug addicts should be jailed or worse; was himself, and remains, an oxycontin junkie. He doctor shopped. He had his housekeeper go out and make his buys for him. He served no time in jail. He makes $25M+ per year. Do you?

Whom do you think they serve? What master drives them?? Surely, not one that is acquainted with the truth. Not one that is concerned with Right and Wrong. What kind of Master would that be? What altar do they worship at?

Nice that those who listen to these paragons of virtue, don't mind that
it comes from the sexual stalker mentality, the under educated, and the junkies of the airwaves.

These same morons laughed at and derided reports put out by economists that warned of, get this, an economic meltdown that would be globally disasterous. They laughed years ago, and they were still snarking at it in September. What did you expect from the rapist and junkie mentality?

But, since our future is crumbling before our eyes, should we not in fact, open our eyes and take a look at where we are now, how we got here, and what we have to do to get out of it? Do we have to tolerate more tax cuts for the billionaires before we engage in saving the rest of us?

Why did we cut benefits to mothers and children on welfare? Why did we have to cut medical care to women? We just gave more to billionaires and cut benefits to people who will now be on the streets. It was either that, or nothing? What have we become as a nation? What voices in our heads are we listening to?

truth does not change. Our ability to perceive and understand it depends on our level of fear and how much we have become reactionary. (Education, common sense, anyone? Anyone? Buehler?)

Remember: The voices demanding more for the wealthy were silent or dismissive on warnings, and supportive of policies that are destroying us. Their outrage now and efforts to derail any rescue are shameful. Their tantrums and power plays at a time when we as a nation, are going under, are shameful. Their outrage is a sham. Their desperation to hold onto and increase their power is obvious.

The poles are melting. The economy is in meltdown. Can we afford to listen to the power junkies?

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