Friday, July 24, 2009

Asking: What Would Charlie Do?

Divide and Conquer

It's all they know. Charlie Manson wanted absolute power. He was willing to murder or have others murder for him, complete random strangers, in order to, in his twisted mind, have a race war spark up and set Whites against Blacks. "Helter Skelter" was his mission.

He figured that the races would fight and tear each other down until both were so weak, that all he had to do was stroll in and take over what was left.

Opportunity Squandered

It seems that the GOP has taken a few pages from the Playbook of Charlie Manson. Their wingnut conspiracies, laughable at best, being touted on major network/cable media as if valid.

The GOP had an opportunity to distinguish itself as NOT the party of Bush-Cheney and all the hideous baggage that comes with that, but as hard-working, team spirited, ready to work with the new Administration to start fixing some major problems, and building our nation back up, better than before.

They could have been a part of that. But they chose instead to snarl, bite, sabotage, sulk and become the party of "NO". They offered a counter budget proposal that had no numbers in it. Just tax breaks for the very wealthy, and perhaps, a few pennies for you and I. A 14 page document (including cover and backing) with NO numbers! Waved on high, at a press conference, as their 'Alternative budget.'

Health Care, which would make our nation able to compete with all the other nations who presently have the advantage of National Health Care, is the target they are aiming at now. They have no alternative to offer. In fact, after touting they would have one, they then proudly proclaimed, they didn't have to offer one. They just want this one to fail.

More importantly, they want it to fail so they can bring down the most intelligent, articulate, visionary president of our lifetime. "It will be his Waterloo..." Senator Kane said in his teleconference with other Republicans.

As this battle for power plays out, people are losing their jobs, their homes, their insurance. People are dying. The GOP is willing to allow random people to die so that they can have this war between themselves and one man.

To add to the noise, is a constant bleating of wingnuts and their fear conspiracies. "Terrorist, Muslim, Angry Black Man..." which now devolves into the outright "Racist!" being screamed from the airwaves by some of the biggest racists ever to grab a microphone. Bad enough those rife buzzwords get repeated on other media, but worse still, the totally insane "Birthers" who now have a solid place in the CNN format in the form of Lou Dobbs.

Everything is designed to not only make us mistrust Obama and defeat any of the good work he tries to do, but moreover, to once again rip this nation apart; Black v White. Riots in the streets.

That, my friends, is where they want this to go.
Keeping us divided is how they can conquer us. They? Who they? They are those who, while we are busy calling each other names, throwing rocks at each other, lynching, and yelling... quietly access the Biggest Piggy Bank ever: Tax Dollars.

Tax dollars that go into the war machine. Halliburton, KBR, are the best known. Tax dollars that come from taking our resources, OURS, the oil, the minerals, the timber and the water... and not paying for it. Further, getting 'tax breaks' for taking it and making themselves wealthy. Getting Bonus money, such as when W just handed an extra $8Billion to the oil companies, at the same time they brought in, what was at that time, RECORD profits. ("Have to reward them for their good work so they can keep doin' it.") He did that with the stroke of a pen.

And before we even knew the economy was in trouble, he gave over $80 Billion to AIG, and billions more to other companies-- All major contributors to his campaign, with not a word to congress or anyone.

There is money to be made and money for the taking as long as we stay divided, and at war amongst ourselves. An endless war fueled by fear, lies, and mindless attacks.

Those clown cars keep coming because someone is filling them, and giving them momentum to crash into our line of sight. At the cost of our nation's security, the lives of real people, and the future itself, these wingnuts are being flung into view to distract us until we lose sight of the work to be done.

The next election is already being funded by Insurance companies who are paying $1 Million or more, per day, to defeat legislation that will do two things: Give access to healthcare to tens of millions of our own people and force, by the competition of a public option, Insurance companies to compete for our business and play fair.

The delay past the summer break is time for them to keep hammering on the airwaves how bad it is to have healthcare for everyone. More time to fill the air with lies about what the program is and can or will do. They stand to make hundreds of billions in profits if they can defeat this healthcare legislation. They can only defeat this legislation if they get us to defeat it for them by being distracted...or...

...if they can play the biggest distraction our country has ever known: RACE Wars.

That is why you have Birthers, and racist signs held by Teabaggers, racist emails being sent around by Republican hard core.

They want to defeat this, regardless of who or how many die. They need a race war to make it possible. They have, in effect, taken a page out of the playbook of the biggest crazy we have ever put in prison: Charles Manson.

Helter Skelter, Y'all

So, as they are sitting in their offices, and in their C Street refuge, rest assured, they are not trying to think of how to help their constituents; not trying to fix all or any of what is broken. They are brainstorming to to please their masters: The insurance companies, the oil companies, the war machines, and the Financial Hogs at the trough.

Somewhere, in a lonely isolated cell, sits a crazy man with a swastika carved into his forehead. His rage is still hot, and he knows he was ahead of his time. That were he free today, he would be the God of the GOP, and they would come to him for all their ideas... and he would see to it that people died, there was fear, there was terror, there was suspicion between the races.

Somewhere, in a GOP office, a Bluedog sits, confused as to whom he is supposed to serve. He is handed a playbook and told to go out and follow this script... And if there should come a time of doubt or crisis, they need only ask "WWCD?"

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